Operating sustainably, every day

Leading by example in everything we do

Advancing sustainable business practices

From designing a more efficient cloud infrastructure to addressing the environmental impact of our facilities, we continually work to improve our environmental performance. Our commitments, approach, policies, and performance demonstrate these corporate sustainability efforts.

Sustainable building design

Our approach

In collaboration with our suppliers, business partners, and customers, we employ best practices that promote social and environmental responsibility at all levels and improve our direct impact on people and the planet.

  • Our environmental policy underpins our efforts within our own operations, with our suppliers and business partners, and in support of our customers’ efforts to improve their environmental performance.

  • Our resolve to help design and build a safe and livable world for everyone on this planet is core to everything we do.

  • Our Partner Code of Conduct, established in 2013, ensures that our resellers and distributors comply with our high standards.

Key highlights from fiscal year 2022

We’re proud to share our recent progress in sustainable business operations.

  • Solar panels

    Net-zero carbon

    Neutralized our emissions across our business and value chain, for the second year in a row.

  • Wind turbines for renewable energy

    Renewable energy

    Purchased 100% renewable energy to cover our facilities, cloud services, events, and employee work from home electricity consumption.

  • Corporate energy efficiency

    Efficiency focus

    We’re driving efficiency in our business operations and supply chain. We’re committed to engaging our suppliers to improve their sustainability performance.

Sustainable business operations in practice

  • Renewable cloud graphic

    Renewable cloud

    We source 100% renewable energy for our cloud services and data centers, and our cloud services have been carbon neutral since fiscal year 2016.

  • Renewable energy on facilities icon


    Our real estate portfolio runs on 100% renewable energy. Our operations are test cases to help refine the functionality of our solutions, improve our environmental performance, and showcase how customers can use our solutions to meet their sustainability objectives.

  • Sustainable meetings icon


    Our largest conferences, Autodesk University and One Team Conference, are carbon neutral. We strive to enhance efficiency, source electricity from renewable energy sources, offer virtual attendance options, reduce waste, and purchase carbon offsets.

  • Global connection icon

    Sustainable travel

    We reduce the impact of travel through virtual/hybrid meetings, employee and partner education, and a green rating system for hotels. We also include sustainability expectations in our standard meeting contracts.

Awards and honors

  • Human Rights campaign logo

    Corporate Equality Index

    The Human Rights Campaign ranked Autodesk one of the best places to work for LGBTQ+ equality.

  • FTSE4Good logo


    This ethical investment index series has included Autodesk since 2008.

  • Sustainability leadership logo

    Sustainability leadership

    Autodesk ranked third of the world's most sustainable companies by  Corporate Knights  2022 index.