Although you’ve probably been using layers since the beginning of your CAD days, there may still be more to learn! There are several helpful yet seldom-used commands that can save time and help prevent mistakes when working with layers.
For instance, do you ever find yourself scrolling through an exceedingly long layers list, trying to find a particular layer? Or maybe you’re spending more time than you wish trying to change or copy objects to new layers. This new Have You Tried article covers commands and best practices for using layers that haven’t been highlighted in previous Have You Tried articles.
In this article, we’ll cover how to:
- Add the Layer Control to the Quick Access toolbar
- Receive and control automatic notifications about new layers
- Use Make Current (LAYMCUR command) to quickly switch the current layer
- Use Change to Current Layer (LAYCUR command) and Match Layer (LAYMCH command) to quickly change an object from one layer to another
- Copy objects to another layer
- Undo layer changes without undoing drawing changes
Learn some tips and tricks to improve how you work with and manage layers with step-by-step examples in Have You Tried: Layers Tips and Tricks.

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