2024 State of Design & Make Report

Key themes for M&E

M&E leaders and experts are optimistic about the global landscape, as well as their companies’ resilience, preparedness, performance, investment, and level of digital transformation—a noticeable change from Autodesk’s 2023 State of Design & Make report.

Percentage of respondents who agree with statements: 1. My company is well prepared to handle unforeseen future macroeconomic and geopolitical changes. 2. The future global landscape feels more uncertain now than 3 years ago. 5-point scale. Top two = agree.

Film and TV companies are far better prepared to handle changes

Optimism returns

“We’re optimistic. For a time, there was a narrative that everything was going to streaming, and people weren’t going to the theaters anymore. But we’ve seen the industry respond with quality products. This is a creative business. It was not built on an algorithm.”

– Hansjeet Duggal, Head of VFX, Artists Equity, a film and television production studio

Axis: Percentage of respondents who say investments will increase in each area.  
Survey question: How do you think your company or organization’s investment in these areas will shift in the next 3 years? 5-point scale. Top two = increase.

Top priorities for future investments differ among M&E segments

Cost control

Percent of respondents who selected “very mature” in each process. Survey question: In your company or organization, how mature are the following? 5-point scale.

What does digital maturity mean for M&E companies?

Digital maturity

Digitally mature M&E companies are far ahead of their peers when it comes to practices that are key to success in the sector.

Survey question: What are the use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) in your company or organization? Select all that apply.

Beyond productivity, AI use cases vary for M&E segments

All-in on AI

“There are so many aspects to AI. Cybersecurity vendors are building AI into network security. Does that count as a creative company using AI? We’re using it to protect our systems. We’re not using it to create images. We’ve already had our clients tell us, ‘You can’t use AI unless you tell us.’”

– David Spilsbury, Chief Technology Officer, Axis Studios, an animation and VFX studio

Survey question: What technical or digital skills do you believe your company or organization will be prioritizing when hiring over the next 3 years? Select all that apply.

M&E skills of the future


M&E professionals broadly agree that digital skills and a willingness to participate in self-directed learning will be vital to helping usher their field into the future.

M&E spotlight: 88 Pictures

Talent crunch

Milind D. Shinde, founder and CEO at Indian media production company 88 Pictures, cultivated an innovative approach to developing talent in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Survey question: How influential is the next generation in pressuring your company or organization to create and meet sustainability goals? 5-point scale. Top option = very influential.

Sustainability in M&E: Younger employees apply pressure

Sustainability actions

Ji-Woong Hong of COM2US, a mobile and online game development company, notes that the M&E industry has historically had less exposure to sustainability issues than the AECO and D&M industries.

M&E spotlight: Axis Studios

Business health

David Spilsbury, chief technology officer for UK-based animation and VFX company Axis Studios, explains why and how M&E firms are improving sustainability.

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Business resilience

Digitization boosts business resilience amid continued challenges.



Companies tackle talent challenges with upskilling, digitization, and sustainability initiatives.



Business value drives sustainability actions.

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