In this class, you will be familiarized with the idea first introduced by Plex-Earth, that most of the complexities in CAD-GIS interoperability, from data availability to compatibility, can be eliminated if seen from the designer's perspective. Our extensive experience on real-life projects has shown that seamless access to essential GIS data like historical imagery, terrain elevation data, and immersive visualization tools like Google Earth, give a competitive advantage to CAD-based workflows.
As such, if you are a CAD user, you can completely understand your project area without requiring GIS skills. As a CAD manager, you can boost your team's overall performance, reduce errors and make informed decisions by accessing geospatial data from top-notch providers like Airbus, Maxar, Nearmap, Hexagon, and Google Maps, all without costly subscriptions. Finally, as a software developer, you can leverage Plex-Earth to upgrade your product offering and augment your customers' capabilities.