
Business value drives sustainability actions

Attitude and action

Sustainability is now a key concern for employees, customers, and investors—as well as an important driver of business success.

Shifting attitudes about sustainability are driving action, with companies making investments in energy efficiency, materials reduction, and more sustainable processes that are better for both the environment and the bottom line.

“Climate change is going to impact all of us. The motivation for sustainability goes back to our purpose: bringing ideas to life, leaving a legacy, and improving the communities that we live in.”

—Dave Mackenzie, Managing Principal for Digital, Aurecon, a design, engineering, and advisory firm

Sustainability becomes a key priority

Ninety-seven percent of organizations are taking steps to improve sustainability—a number that represents a five-point increase over last year, as well as a cross-industry consensus on the importance of becoming more sustainable.

Becoming sustainability leaders

Global insight

Most leaders and experts now see their companies as leaders in sustainability—a turnaround from last year.

Sustainability in your industry

Sustainability is proving its value to both short-term and long-term business health

What was true last year is even more true this year: Sustainability is seen as beneficial to the bottom line.

Map of the world showing responses by country or region
Percentage of respondents who agree to statements: 1. Improving sustainability practices is a good long-term business decision. 2. Improving sustainability practices is a good short-term business decision. 5-point scale. Top two = agree.

Long-term vs. short-term business value of sustainability: A global view

Global insight

While some of this business value is likely due to an improved reputation with customers and employees, sustainability initiatives also present an opportunity to decrease operating costs through reductions in energy use and materials.

Sustainability in your industry

Key themes

Illustration cutout of smart manufacturing shop floor with car shells mounted on rails


Key theme 1: Business resilience

Companies are more prepared than reported in 2023 to face an uncertain future. In a word, business leaders and experts this year are optimistic.

Illustration of people working on various tasks related to film-making and game development, such as shooting raw footage, computer animation, and production planning


Key theme 2: Talent

Companies tackle talent challenges with upskilling, digitization, and sustainability initiatives.

Explore key themes by industry

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